Activating South Australia’s Defence Innovation Ecosystem

The activities funded under this theme will be aligned with priorities outlined in the National Defence Strategy (up to $800,000 available in total).

Challenge 1: Regional statecraft and influence

Key consideration – to better understand Pacific voices, the tropes and frames, stories and priorities that matter to them and how these impact on their own perspectives regarding regional security and stability, including relationships with other countries.

Challenge 2: Digital and open-source methods

Key consideration – seeking a prototype analytical tool capable of using open-source information, within an accepted legal and ethical framework, that is able to conduct an array of advanced analytics relevant to online sentiment and behaviour. Preference will be given to proposals that have already developed foundational socio­political and psychological frameworks and are able to translate this prior work into a user-friendly tool for analysts that can be trialed within experimental environments and case studies.

Scalable distributed active sensing and sensemaking systems

Scalable distributed active sensing and sensemaking systems (up to $1.6 million available in total)

This theme will focus on the development of innovative distributed sensing and sense making capabilities to support improved early warning, situational understanding, and predictive analysis to inform appropriate actions. The challenge will focus on improvements to information architectures, edge computing, data fusion, and modelling and simulation, as well as integration, while employing currently available sensors (or those of high technology maturity), platforms and network capabilities. Any proposals should consider a pathway towards a future capability that is scalable, adaptable, reliable, mobile, and affordable. The challenge use case is the protection of large, fixed infrastructure and the potential impacts from a chemical hazard through a distributed active sensing and control system that can be expanded to include many sensor nodes. Key aims are to provide near real time situational awareness updates and to reduce human intervention through autonomous data collection and fusion.

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Funded projects

The Activator Fund builds on South Australia’s research and development strengths and was established with the aim to speed up the translation of technology into operational Defence capabilities.

The first Activator Fund theme aligned with the undersea warfare and trusted autonomy priorities of the Defence Innovation, Science and Technology program.

The first theme of Remote undersea surveillance data processing, analysis and networking (now closed) was awarded to Defence software firm Acacia.

Acacia received $1.6 million for the project, Enhancing the RAN’s Undersea Surveillance Minimum Viable Capability which aims to improve operational performance by increasing the accuracy and range of automatic detection, tracking, and localisation of undersea threats.

The project is also supported by the University of Adelaide, University of South Australia, Curtin University and Defence Science and Technology Group.