Science Fiction/Futures II: understanding present and future(s) of strategy, social and technological development through storytelling


Tuesday 4 June 2024


The Cumberland Arms Hotel, 205 Waymouth Street, Adelaide SA 5000


Rachel Neef, PhD candidate in Law, the University of Adelaide
Dr Sean Williams, Author and Senior Lecturer at Flinders University
Dr Fred Bowden, Research Leader Capability Analysis and Design, Human and Decision Sciences Division, Defence Science and Technology Group

Facilitated by:

Sumen Rai, Director, Defence Innovation Partnership

“From what I’ve read,” I said to him, “the world goes crazy every three or four decades. The trick is to survive until it goes sane again.” ― Octavia E. Butler, Parable of the Sower



The first Science Fiction/Futures event sparked conversation about a range of topics from how reading and writing fiction can help military strategists envision the future of warfare, to debate about whether the social lessons of science fiction are ignored in favour of the technological content.



This event will build on those discussions with new voices and ideas, including visions of South Australia in 2070. The aim of this event is to enable creative collisions of researchers and practitioners from different disciplines, with the hope of fostering a community of interest that can continue building on the ideas discussed on the night.